26. Juni 2019

Generali Leben becomes Proxalto

  • Renaming takes place in October 2019
  • Contractual guarantees and benefits for policyholders are not affected


Viridium Group (“Viridium”), the leading specialist in the efficient management of life insurance portfolios, will in the future operate Generali Lebensversicherung AG under the name "Proxalto Lebensversicherung AG". In April 2019, Viridium acquired a majority stake in Generali Lebensversicherung AG. The renaming will take place in October 2019. Due to the size of the portfolio and the system-technical complexity the renaming will take several weeks to be fully implemented. Customers will be informed by letter in the upcoming weeks, well before the change of the name takes effect.

No effects on contractual guarantees and benefits

Like the change in ownership completed at the end of April, the renaming has no effects neither on the contractual relationship nor on the content of the insurance contracts. For the policyholders full continuity is guaranteed: Their policies will be continued unchanged, contractually assured guarantees and benefits will be retained. Policyholders will continue to be supported by an experienced customer service team that has become part of the Viridium Group following the change in ownership.

Generali Deutschland will continue to hold a stake of 10.1% of the shares in the future Proxalto Lebensversicherung AG.

Here you can access the official website of Proxalto Life Insurance.

Media enquiries

Sara Yussefi
Head of Communications
Tel.: +49 6102 5995 4444